This paper briefly introduces how to improve the heating system of asphalt mixing station

  In the working process of asphalt mixing station, the quality condition of the mixture will often be related to its final construction quality.
So we need to improve the quality level of its mixture as much as possible, and the temperature of the mixture is one of the criteria for the conformity assessment of the mixture.
In other words, if the temperature is too high or too low, it can cause the mixture to become scrap, can not meet the needs of only the use.

  Moving and fixed asphalt mixing equipment have their own advantages, the planning of movable mode is easier to deal with, in the bottom of the box structure planning, greatly reducing the area of the area covered by the equipment.
Fixed asphalt mixture Mixing equipment covers a relatively large area, but its production of mobile phones do not replace.

Asphalt Mixing station Dust collector soot parameters are very complex, so the performance requirements of the bag dust collector is very important, the following we first look at how to choose asphalt concrete mixing station bag dust collector, and then we will study the determination of dust bag.

So what factors should we consider when making planning and building work? 1th, we must reasonably select the location of the asphalt mixing building.
Generally speaking, the location of the asphalt mixing building of the mobile asphalt mixing station should meet these requirements: 1, the selected site geology is relatively solid 2, should be appropriate to reduce the workload of site curing; 3. If it is required to build the cement concrete foundation of the mixing building foot, the bearing capacity of the concrete should be ensured to meet the design requirements.

After the location of the asphalt mixing station is selected, the next step is to make appropriate planning and construction work.
Under normal circumstances, the site planning of mobile asphalt mixing station should follow the two major requirements of science and rationality.
In other words, when planning, the utilization and effectiveness of the site should be maximized to the maximum extent possible to meet the requirements of production.

  Therefore, reasonable control of the temperature of the mixture is one of the basic conditions that must be met in the normal production of asphalt mixing station.
Among them, how the quality of the fuel will affect the temperature of the mixture.
For example, if the quality of the fuel is poor, the calorific value is low, the combustion is not sufficient, then it will lead to unstable heating, low temperature, and after combustion will also produce a large number of residues, affecting the quality of the mixture.
And if the viscosity is large, then it will also cause ignition difficulties, temperature is not easy to control.

  And if the amount of oil supplied is unstable, then it will also affect the level of temperature control.
Although there are now some mixing equipment with automatic temperature control function, but from the temperature detection to add and subtract flame regulation temperature still need a longer process, so there will be a lag, for the asphalt mixing plant production work will still have a certain impact.

  1) for asphalt concrete mixing plant, the source of pollution is usually mixed, single column hydraulic Press to design a dust removal system.
The dust removal process adopts the two-stage dust removal method of the cyclone (or inertial) Precipitator and the bag-type dust collector, and the front cyclone Precipitator captures the coarse dust and the hot Mars as the aggregate recycling, the rear bag type dust collector captures the particulate dust and purifies the harmful gas, and the dust is collected as the mineral powder and recycled by the mixer.
Level two can be combined as one.

  In addition to the above two factors, the water content of raw materials is also an important factor that can not be ignored.
If the water content of raw materials is high, then it is very difficult to control the temperature in the production process of asphalt mixing station.
In addition, the technical status of the combustion system, the pressure of the fuel pump, as well as the size of the injection, will affect the temperature of the mixture.
If there is a problem with wear, leakage, or blockage in the combustion system, the performance of the system will be reduced.

  2) aggregate drying flue gas and asphalt mixing flue gas should be mixed early before the pre-precipitator, using lime powder and aggregate adsorption of asphalt tar.
Bag Type dust collector before the installation of emergency wild air valve and temperature control alarm device.

Secondly, in the construction of mobile asphalt mixing station, should be combined with the actual, the selection of suitable stacking field.
Specifically, the stacking field should be reasonably divided by reference to the variety requirements of different asphalt concrete mixing materials.
In the planning process, we must pay attention to, should meet the interval requirements at the same time, to meet the requirements of different varieties.
Moreover, for different stacking areas should also be properly isolated, and do a good mark, so as not to stack chaos, resulting in work efficiency is affected.
In addition, the foundation of the stacking area should be cured to meet the needs of the work.